The Massif du Sancy in Auvergne, fascinating landscapes, picturesque villages and local products.


Sheep in the mountain pastures at the top of the Plomb du Cantal

Sheep in the mountain pastures at the top of the Plomb du Cantal


Plomb du Cantel promotes the tradition of summer pastures

Le Plomb du Cantal is an iconic peak located in the central massif of France, known for its natural beauty and exceptional biodiversity. But it is not only its geology or its flora that make it special, it is also its close relationship with pastoral activity and sheep farming.


A farmer's tradition his animals graze in the summer pastures of the Monts du Cantal

In the summer pastures of the Cantal mountains, sheep farming is an essential tradition that dates back centuries. During the summer season, breeders from Cantal take their flocks of sheep to the high pastures, known as summer pastures. These summer pastures offer a unique quality of pasture thanks to their rich and diversified flora.


The ecological balance thanks to the herds in the mountain pastures

The sheep in the mountain pastures of the Cantal mountains play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of this region. By grazing on grass and plants, they help maintain low, dense vegetation, thus promoting the conservation of natural habitats. In addition, their presence contributes to the dispersal of seeds and the regeneration of plant species


A crucial economic activity for breeders in the Monts du Cantal

Pastoral activity in the Cantal mountains also has an important economic and social dimension. For many breeders, sheep farming is a main activity that ensures their livelihood. The sheep raised in this region are renowned for their quality meat, rich in flavor and character. By-products such as wool and milk are also valued and used in various artisanal productions.


Les Estives to perpetuate a know-how

Furthermore, pastoral activity in the Cantal mountains is deeply rooted in the local culture. Breeders perpetuate the knowledge and ancestral practices passed down from generation to generation. Summer pastures are places of life and exchanges where breeders and their herds rub shoulders, thus creating a strong link between man and nature.


Summer pastures in the Monts du Cantal, challenges to be met in the face of change

However, despite its importance, pastoral activity in the Cantal mountains faces challenges. Climate change, dwindling natural resources and modern economic pressures can present challenges for livestock keepers. It is essential to support this traditional activity by implementing sustainable agricultural policies, encouraging the promotion of local products and raising public awareness of the importance of sheep farming in the preservation of nature and culture.


Le Plomb du Cantal and summer pastures to preserve pastoral activity

The Plomb du Cantal and the summer pastures of the Cantal mountains are intimately linked to pastoral activity and sheep farming. This millennial tradition contributes to the preservation of the environment, to the local economy and to the transmission of ancestral knowledge. It is essential to recognize the value of this activity and to support it to ensure the sustainability of this unique heritage.

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Sheep in the mountain pastures at the top of the Plomb du Cantal Sheep in the mountain pastures at the top of the Plomb du Cantal Sheep in the mountain pastures at the top of the Plomb du Cantal

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Chalet l'anorak : Sheep in the mountain pastures at the top of the Plomb du Cantal